Friday, May 29, 2020

How to get a reference

How to get a reference by Michael Cheary ‘Do you have any references?’For many jobseekers, obtaining references for job applications is almost something of an afterthought. And, if you’re not used to asking for them, they can raise some difficult questions.Who are the best people to ask for references? Can I get them from my friends and family, or do they have to be professional contacts? And, perhaps most pressingly, what’s the best way to approach someone to give me a reference?To help clear up the confusion, here’s our advice on how to acquire the best references for your job applications:What are references?To put it simply, references are people employers can ask to vouch for your character. Whereas your CV is your chance to sell yourself to employers, references allow them to check that you’ve been truthful in all that you’ve said, and therefore live up to expectations. They may also be used to learn more about how you interacted with staff at the company.Why are references impo rtant for job applications?References give hiring managers the chance to talk to previous employers or colleagues, and find out more about your personality.How many references should I have?This number may differ, depending on your profession. However, we’d always suggest having two solid references as a general rule of thumb.Who should I ask to be my references?Former bosses, colleagues and even clients all make good references. Employers are most interested in gaining an unbiased view of your personality, work ethic and performance. For this reason, friends and family members should generally be avoided. No matter how professional your relationship with your mum is.If you don’t have much in the way of work experience, asking a form tutor, former teacher or professor, is also acceptable.The key is to ask people you trust, and those who you can count on to be positive about your contributions.Can an employer give a bad reference?By law, an employer cant provide a reference that is in any way untruthful. In fact, an unfairly bad reference with misleading information could be grounds for legal action.However, that doesnt mean its impossible to receive a bad reference. If you were disciplined at your previous job, an employer is well within their rights to include this information providing they can back it up with tangible evidence (e.g. warning letters).If you think the reference youve been given is inaccurate, and it caused you to miss out on an employment opportunity (e.g. a job offer was withdrawn), you may be able to claim damages in court.To find out more, get in touch with your local Citizens Advice Bureau.Do I need to actually ask someone to be my reference?Yes. Never use someone as a reference without their permission. Even if you consider it a foregone conclusion that your choice will be complimentary, giving a heads up provides at least some indication of what it is they will say.Also, it’s just plain polite.How do I ask someone to be my refere nce?This will generally depend on your relationship with the person in question. If you are in regular contact with them, asking them face-to-face, or on the phone, is the best way to approach the subject. That way you can explain exactly what kind of jobs you are applying for, and thank them accordingly.If you haven’t spoken for a while, or if you’re aware that they have a very busy schedule to keep to, sending a polite email to your perspective reference is a great way to get the conversation started.Do I need to include references somewhere on my CV?In many instances, you shouldn’t need to provide a reference before you reach the interview stage.If you want to include them on your CV, however, a name and (current) number are more than enough. And if you haven’t spoken to them in a while, you may want to check the latter.Stating that ‘references are available on request’ is also generally acceptable.Should I bring references to my interview?This is recommended. Even if they’re not requested, it’s a good idea to bring a record of your references â€" just in case. Not only is it a practical option, it will also demonstrate your excellent preparation and planning skills.Just to clarify, we don’t mean bringing the individuals themselves… (regardless of how open to the idea they may be).Need more CV advice?It takes an employer just seven seconds to save or reject a job applicant’s CV. This means creating a succinct CV is absolutely vital if you want to land that all-important interview. To find out how to make your CV stand out from the crowd, buy James Reed’s new book: The 7 Second CV: How to Land the Interview.Still searching for your perfect position? View all available jobs nowFind a job What Where Search JobsSign up for more Career AdviceSign up for moreCareer Advice Please enter a valid email addressmessage hereBy clicking Submit you agree to the CVs

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Warehouse Associate Job Description Sample -

Warehouse Associate Job Description Sample - Warehouse Associate Job Description Template Download our job description template in Word or PDF format. Instant download. No email required. Download Template Using Your Template Follow these instructions to use your new job description template Step one: Fill out all details in your job description template using the provided sample on this page. Step two: Customize your requirements or duties to anything special to your workplace. Be sure to speak with team members and managers to gauge what's required of the position. Step three: When the census of the team has agreed on the description of the work, add in a Equal Employment Opportunity statement to the bottom of your job description. Step four: Check with your legal department, management team, and other team members to ensure the job description looks correct before creating a job advertisement. Choose a job board that's specific to your needs.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Establishing An Improved Clientele - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Establishing An Improved Clientele - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Difficult and rude clients have the ability to make you wish you never began your business. But deep down you know that’s not true; instead, you recognize a need to alter your course of action. The following strategies are written to assist you with putting wind in your sales! 1.  Increase energy to make the most of the day Have you ever had a project where it was difficult to get out of bed?  This is the opposite end of the spectrum of where you most likely wish to be. But when you are excited to rise, shine, and make the most of each day, thats when you know you are working with the right clientele. The better tactic is to only take those clients with whom you enjoy engaging in conversation. This comes from finding commonalities as the conversation develops on the first meeting. The more of these common points of interest you can find, the better the potential of having a fruitful relationship. Unless you desperately need the money, walk away if you do not have a good feeling about the relationship. Doing so will find you with increased energy and accomplishing much more. 2.  New ideas consistently come your way Are you filled with abundant new ideas? When you find yourself fully engaged in your occupation, you may also find your subconscious working on ideas day and night.  This is how some of the best ideas come your way, and you possess the excitement to implement them. You know you love what you do when the feeling of being in over your head does not keep you from striving to do everything in your power to implement your new favorite idea. 3. Desire to learn more Hearing of problems encountered by clients, you delve into these matters of which you believe you can help to resolve. Going about business development in this manner will lead to superior customer service. It is the superior customer service that will distinguish you from everyone else. A deeper level of customer service goes to concern for helping the client to move forward in her business, too. Using this strategy, you will develop a loyal clientele. 4.  Willingness to help others Rather than always remaining competitive, be of the mindset to save a portion of time for helping those following in your footsteps. Offers of introduction without being asked, community service events around your area of expertise, and sharing excellence in content bring about much recognition. But even better, in the process,  you will have helped many to succeed. This is highly rewarding in itself. 5. Thank you You can never say “thank you” too often. Thank people for their time, their consideration, their business, their referrals, and their ideas whether or not you use them. By being congenial, you will encourage more offers of support and help. Using these 5 strategies will empower your personal brand, business development, and build a loyal clientele. Your clientele will automatically bring you larger projects, referrals and testimonials the definition of the    Smooth Sale!

Monday, May 18, 2020

What Staff Perks Work Best

What Staff Perks Work Best How can employers ensure that their staff remain engaged at work and are happy in their jobs? Its a tough one to get right  and at  a time where job hopping has become somewhat of a norm, employers are being forced to go to extra measures to provide incentives for employees to keep them from jumping ship. With  the Apples and Googles of the world dishing out fancy employee benefits like extravagant staff parties, office playgrounds and  generous discounts on the latest gadgets, employee perks have become more of an expectation than an added bonus. Though a lot of companies cant compete with the huge corporations,  there are still a few things that companies can offer their staff to keep them motivated. Here are a few examples of employee perks that work the best, courtesy of Towergate. What perks are best for improving engagement and loyalty? Employee engagement programs can increase profits by £1586  per employee per year. Financial compensation is the most effective perk for boosting engagement, with 40% of workers stating this would work for them. Better benefits (36%) and the opportunity to  advance in their career (34%) are also popular options. The value of offering flexible hours 44% of workers identified flexible work arrangements as the number 1 perk that they would like to have in their company.  51% say that they would stay in their job if they were offered a flexible schedule, followed by 50% who would like increased recognition and 48% who would like their employer to act on employee feedback. 73% of working adults feel that flexility is one of the most important factors when taking a job. 47% of workers think that asking for more flexibility at work would damage their chances of a promotion. 39% of people have actually left a job because it wasnt flexible enough. What perks to staff in the UK  want the most? 44% would like flexible working and the option to work from home. 20% would like a pension scheme in place. 19% would like an increase in their basic salary. EU staff perks that  UK workers want 55% would like a pension that will offer them a decent living wage when retired. 24% would like more annual leave. What are the best staff perks offered to employees in the EU? In Luxembourg they are offered a contributory pay out pension of 103%, meaning it is possible for workers to earn more in retirement than when they were working. In Germany they are given an extra months salary each year. In France they have a 35 hour working week and are given 5 weeks of  paid  holiday a year. Switzerland are debating introducing a minimum wage of £2,806 per month. Employee perks that dont work Childcare Employees not using the service feel like they are subsidising employees who have young children. An on-site gym Only 28% of workers who are offered this actually use it. Free snacks and foosball tables  A bit of fun, but dont improve employee engagement. Unusual staff perks At Google they have an office slide and ball pit, so it appears they keep their staff happy by pleasing their inner children! They also offer  free hair cuts and laundry facilities, to ensure their employees are looking smart. Microsoft have an on-site shopping mall that is exclusively for their staffs use. AirBnB employees are allowed to take their pets to work and regularly go sailing. Other important factors for  job satisfaction 46% of workers want a visually pleasing environment. 42% want to work at an organisation that share the same values as them. 30% want food to be available to them throughout the whole working day. 29% would like to have lounge areas, where they can have a time out. [Image Credit: Shutterstock]

Friday, May 15, 2020

Proactive Upskilling A Sure-Shot Way to Future-Proof Your Career

Proactive Upskilling A Sure-Shot Way to Future-Proof Your Career “Work to become, not to acquire.”â€" Elbert Hubbard However, it is not always a smooth sea for the newbies, and that is why you need to be prepared to face a lot of storms in the initial days of starting your career.Let that not deter you from having dreams of making it big someday, in whatever profession that you wish to excel.Always remember that all that you dream of acquiring in the course of your career are achievable with the right amount of determination and deliberation. One such suave method that is making the rounds among the college students and new employees at multinational firms is the effective use of upskilling.The competitive and disruptive backdrop in almost every industry paints a gloomy picture for the ones about to venture into the new world of unprecedented challenges and uphill tasks in their jobs.The uncertainty looming around the private sector jobs can always be frightening for the ones just about to start their careers, so it is best to come prepare d for they are about to face, and upskilling is one of the most effective ways to go about it.So, what is the upskilling all about, then?Simply put, it is acquiring new sets of skills to keep yourself updated to the increasing and evolving demands of the industry.evalEspecially helpful for college-goers who have the time to sign up for new courses, upskilling is a habit that you can benefit from throughout the entire course of your career.Why is upskilling important?You may be wondering about whether there is anything wrong with your current set of skills or whether you know enough to venture into the tricky waters of a new job life. Put those worries to rest, for upskilling is not about nullifying the skills and knowledge that you have.It is more of an enriching experience where you add on to your long list of things you are an ‘expert’ at or have received ‘certifications’ for. However, upskilling is not only about fancy online courses or about attending a series of career workshops. It also includes developing your personality and soft skills that help you become a more complete human being in all aspects.The bigwigs in almost every industry nowadays follow the current human resource development trend in hiring employees who show a lot of promise in their personal as well as professional realms.evalKeeping their requirements in mind, putting an effective upskilling mainframe to use that is suited to your career goals is the need of the day.1) Increase your professional credibility by upskillingevalWith the professional sphere changing and evolving rapidly to keep pace with the super-fast digital era, the need to upskill to increase your professional value is undeniable.Upskilling aids you to stay updated to the latest trends in the work sphere so you can be prepared or a step ahead of the changing work sector at all times. Industry trends and requirements, with their constant need for innovation, thus values employees with an excellent track record o f upskilling throughout their academic and professional careers. Do not become redundant in what you do so you are handed over the pink slip.Instead, look for ingenious ways that you can upskill and prove to be a useful employee to your organization. Honing your functional and business skills can work wonders to improve your performance and productivity at work, so upskill all you can to move up the ladder in your career.2) Bring about a breath of fresh air in your workUpskilling provides you with the scope of exploring new career options. With a lot of new skills in your kitty, you can always respond to the one that calls out to you.The digital age with its host of automation and mechanized systems of work nowadays call for professionals who are updated about the latest technological trends, and a course on, say, digital marketing, increases your employability by several notches.Acquiring emerging skills throughout your academic and professional career thus provides you with the op portunity of opting for a change in the career if and when you feel the need.Since your professional career thrives on creating opportunities and not being shy of exploring newer avenues, it is best to upskill with a variety of professional and personal skill sets combined to suit the requirements of the industries on which you wish to focus.3) Explore professional networking through upskillingPerhaps one of the best benefits of upskilling is the numerous opportunities that you get for professional networking. Meeting new people, whether in person or through social media websites for professionals, always has a positive impact.evalStaying connected to the people in your professional realm has its own set of benefits that are known to all. However, why upskilling is the way to go to achieve that is because you will develop as a better conversationalist and be a part of active communities dealing with the current trends in your domain.Providing you with a world of possibilities throug h effective networking strategies that you pick up along the way, upskilling is beneficial for linking you to the right people at the right time that holds the opportunities of taking your career forward by many miles.How can you upskill?Upskilling is not too troubling a task if you have your priorities and plans sorted. With a well planned out roadmap, achieving your upskilling goals is going to be a walk in the park if you are intent on collecting accolades as you proceed in your profession.Upskilling starts with awareness and the intent to develop oneself into a better and more evolved person and professional. A professional who is up to date with the latest trends that are ruling the industry at current times is highly valued for employers.That is why stepping out of your comfort zone and trying out an innovative approach towards upskilling is the need of the day. Here are a few expert suggestions that you can keep in mind while planning to upskill.evala) Embrace a regular readi ng habitAcquiring a habit for reading comes in handy at any age, and if you wish to upskill, then reading some great books in your spare time is the first step towards achieving it.You can choose from a wide variety of books, journals, magazines or blogs that pique your interest, gradually making your way through the dosage of inspiration and magic that words can bring into your life.Upskilling starts with learning, and what better way to learn than leafing through pages of a classic that’s acclaimed worldwide, or being moved by the inspirational tale of how an established entrepreneur of today made his way up the corporate ladder overcoming all difficulties.Source â€" unsplash.comb)Learn the basics of SEO and digital marketingevalThe digital age is here to stay, so the best we can do is adapt ourselves to the changes that it has brought on to every sphere of our lives, including the realm of careers and profession.Learning the basics of digital marketing and fundamental SEO trick s is thus a skill that many employers look for in their potential employees. Having an SEO trick or two up your sleeve will thus help you add to the long list of existing skills and keep you updated about the latest marketing trends in the industry.With increased telecommunication and advertisement tactics through the Internet and social media platforms, it is important to have some SEO and digital marketing skills in your kitty to make yourself more employable in the fast-paced digital age.c) Start bloggingIf you are someone with a passion for writing, then you can start a blog on any of the blogging platforms and write about things that interest you, or use the platform for your daily musings. Starting a blog has multifaceted benefits â€" from providing a space to jot down your feelings and thoughts to establishing a robust thread of resources to highlight your set of skills to future employers â€" which you can tap into for building a great upskill strategy for the times that lay ahead in your career.d) Put your networking skills to useMake deft use of your networking skills through upskilling. Establishing contacts and following up on those acquaintances that you make through networking is a great way to upskill your career for the future.Giving you a world of possibilities and opportunities, learning how to network like a pro is also a skill that is valued by many employers, especially in the service industries that thrive on the success of human relationships.Attending conferences, getting in touch with old colleagues or industry bigwigs through networking on LinkedIn and other virtual platforms in case you cannot spare the time to be present at the conferences or trade shows.e)Make time for “you time” â€" every dayThis is perhaps one aspect of upskilling that not many keep in mind but is imperative if you wish to attain newer heights of success and prosperity in your professional life and beyond. Set aside some time away for yourself every day witho ut fail when you can pause and take a breather from the daily activities and responsibilities.Use this time to complete that unfinished chapter from the book you were reading the previous night, or simply take a power nap to rejuvenate yourself.Whatever it is that you choose to do during this time, be careful not to include work or any other responsibility that you may have. Keeping aside some “you time” for every day is thus very important if you wish to develop as a career professional and as a person.f)Learn a new languageIn an increasingly globalized job market, the need to have multilingual skills is gradually on the rise. Picking up a new language to add to your set of existing skills can thus be a fun way to upskill yourself in your pastime. In case you cannot spare the time to enroll for regular classes at a language school, make good use of the digital resources at your disposal.Download language apps like Duolingo that will help you learn a language in your spare time with flashcards and quirky exercises for honing your linguistic skills to perfection.g)Attend webinars and podcastsGoogle can be your best friend for this one, for there is a world of webinars and podcasts that are available for the ones who can keep some time aside every day or week to attend some.Webinars and podcasts, along with the live screening of conferences and events relevant to your industry, are bountiful sources of knowledge and learning opportunities for those who know how to use them to enhance and hone their existing set of skills.More than picking up a new skill, attending webinars and podcasts from the bigwigs of your industry can help you have in-depth knowledge of the multiple specialties of your area of expertise.Upskilling can be a fabulous way that you can bring in a fresh start in your career or simply go about collecting laurels that help you increase your employability and credibility quotient needed for professional growth and prosperity.In an increasingly interconnected world, upskilling take your career a long way, and often down roads that await growth and prosperity for your profession in the days to come. Go ahead and start planning your upskill phase before it is too late!

Monday, May 11, 2020

What Can You Do to Improve Your Search

What Can You Do to Improve Your Search During a networking meeting for job seekers, we talked about their biggest frustrations with job search.   They listed things like, not hearing back from employers, not being considered perfectly qualified for a job, no names listed on job postings. There were other things too, however, all of these frustrations have a work-around. They arent show-stoppers. According to Newton:  To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction .   Change Your Expectations If you dont expect to hear back from an employer, you wont be disappointed or frustrated.   If you want an answer, how can you get one? Find A Contact Name You can and should find a contact in the company who can cautiously scout out where they are in the process.   Hopefully you have already found someone who inside to be a form of advocate for your resume. Are you using LinkedIn? Have you asked everyone in you immediate network? Contact HR You could contact the HR Department and ask them where they are in the process and briefly introduce yourself as an interested applicant and why you would make a difference to their company. Are Your Qualifications, Traits and Personality Coming Through? If you arent the perfect fit then perhaps you havent done a good job explaining yourself. Hiring is a very complex process, it isnt just about having the right skills.   It is about being the right fit in the organization.   Sure, sometimes you wont have everything they are looking for, but if the interviewer (and others in the organization) like you and you are otherwise a good fit they could  hire you, really!   Fit can mean many things, as Ive just said.   Sometimes organizations have certain educational requirements.   Those will be difficult and sometimes impossible to overcome, especially right now, but it has been done and can be done so dont let it deter you from applying or pursuing an opportunity. Instead of getting stuck, find the work-around.   Youll feel so much better!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Follow Your Passion Night at The Oscars

Follow Your Passion Night at The Oscars Last nights Oscars were all about following your passion.Perhaps because my purpose is to help others find their ideal careers but all I heard on Oscar night were messages about following your dreamsLets see if you agree.Here are some of my favorite follow your passion quotes:Best Original Score, Michael Giachinno I know there are kids out there that dont have that support system [that I had] so if youre out there and youre listening, listen to me: If you want to be creative, get out there and do it. Its not a waste of time. Do it.Best Sound Editing, Paul N.J. Ottoson Twenty-three years ago, Isold everything I had to come and be part of what you guys do over here.So many people have [had] faith in me and gave me a shot, maybe when I dont [didnt] know I [had] earned it yet. And thank you to all those people.For those of you who need a push to take steps everyday toward your passion or who as parents want to show your children the path to a career filled with purpose, read these insp iring messages from the top winners of the evening:Best Actress, Sandra Bullock to be an artist you had [have] to practice everyday. [advice from her mother]Best Actor, Jeff Bridges Thank you Mom and Dad for turning me onto such a groovy professionThey loved show biz so much and I feel an extension of them. You know, this is honoring them as much as it is me.You dont need to be in Hollywood films to follow your passion. You can start right where are you today by finding one thing you love about your job and expanding upon it. If you love working with people then serve your clients and customers to the best of your abilities. If you love solving problems then ask your boss whats keeping her up at night and brainstorm solutions. You dont have to be Oscar winning to make a difference but you do need to put forth your best efforts. I think Special Effects Oscar winner (for the movie Avatar) Joe Letteri put it best, And just remember, the world we live in is just as amazing as the one we created for you. Whats your passion? Do you wish you had more creativity in your career? Share your thoughts and comments below. Im happy to help and would love your advice and ideas on following your passion too!Photo courtesy of